Friday, April 22, 2022

Risteri Magic 2022


Risteri Magic 2022


Definition: Risteri is a type of magic that is non-religious, agnostic and is based on the use of a magical power called the ‘Otar’.


General Description:


Risteri is Pagan-based and practical magic.

It is agnostic (no god worship).

This magic is not based on any religion.

Risteri is based on knowledge of magical power, called the Otar.

Risteri magic may entail the use of spells, words, symbols, magical instruments and/or a set of magical skills.

Risteri is a group of different systems and types of magic.



Risteri is divided into four main divisions:


Andromedan magic

Lyran magic

Capricorn magic

Earth magic




The Otar:


Definition: The Otar means universal magical power, which is used in Risteri and Turendil magic.


 General Description:


There are 14 levels of power in the Otar; each level has a name.

The Otar is always used or opened before beginning a spell in magic.

The Otar is universal and is used in every type of magic.

There is a symbol and attribute associated with each of the 14 Otar levels.


Entir’ is the most basic and ‘Raskargi’ is the most powerful.   The term Raskargi means ‘All powerful’ or ‘Infinite power’.   Here are the 14 main Otar, in ascending order:



1. Entir


2. Pelar 


3. Rontar 


4. Olios


5. Meras


6. Rasko


7. Oneg


8. Talath


9. Gorno


10. Aborno


11. Toria


12. Egrega


13. Apargi 


14. Raskargi

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